Customer Service

Gibraltar Company Search

Gibraltar Company Search Report

Document Order

We are able to conduct a company search on any company registered in Gibraltar. We contact Companies House Gibraltar and obtain the latest information on the target company which will show its current company details and current company status.

Gibraltar Company Search Report
Company Search Report£1402-3 days
Expedite fee£75same day

Contents of a Gibraltar Company Search Report

The Gibraltar company search report is a summary of the latest information on the company held by Companies House.

The company search report includes the following information:

  • Company Name
  • Name Change –  if applicable
  • Company Incorporation Number/ Registration Number
  • REID Number
  • Date of Incorporation
  • Company Type: Private company limited by shares (Ltd), PLC
  • Current Legal Status: in Good Standing, Struck Off, Striking off by the Registrar pending, Dissolved, Liquidation Pending, Liquidated
  • Date of Last Annual Return, date filed made up to
  • Date of Last Accounts, date filed made up to
  • Registered Office address
  • Share Capital – authorised nominal share capital
  • Total number of Shares issued

Including on each Shareholder:

  • Company Shareholder – Name
  • Company Shareholder – Address/ Corporate Registered address
  • Company Shareholder – Nationality
  • Company Shareholder – Occupation/ Corporate Body
  • Company Shareholder – Shares held
  • If Corporate shareholder the company name, company address and company registration number

Including on each Company Director:

  • Director – Full name
  • Director – Full address
  • Director – Occupation/ Corporate Body
  • Director – Nationality
  • Director – Date Appointed/Resigned on

Including on each Company Secretary:

  • Company Secretary – Full name
  • Company Secretary – Full address
  • Company Secretary – Occupation/ Corporate Body
  • Company Secretary – Nationality
  • Company Secretary – Date Appointed/Resigned on

Company Accounts – Directors’ Report & Accounts for the company – where filed and available. To remain compliant Gibraltar companies should file company accounts with the registry but, that is not always the case.

Additional details including:

  • An electronic company registry extract
  • Additional notes – where filed/ available
  • Charges filed at Companies House
  • Accounts filing history list including account year, date filed and date processed by the Gibraltar registry
  • Charges list including charge type – deed, supplemental deed, assignment, charge: the registered, date satisfied and charge serial number
  • Company filing history including the document filed, date filed and date processed by the registry

In Gibraltar companies have a legal obligation to provide Companies House with up to date information, this includes filing of an annual return.

The annual return includes changes to directors and shareholders details and the current registered office address.

Registry Certified Company Search Extract

As an additional service we can provide a certified company search extract on a Gibraltar company. The certified company search extract is signed, stamped and dated by Gibraltar Companies House.

The registry certified extract can in addition be notarised and apostilled at the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office, this service does currently takes 2 – 3 weeks.

Gibraltar Company Search Report

We can supply a Company Search Report on company’s registered in Gibraltar. Please complete our enquiry form so we can assist with your Gibraltar company search requirements.

Once the company search extract is received from Companies House in Gibraltar it will be delivered in the company search report to you via email as a PDF.

Gibraltar Company Search Report example

Order a Gibraltar Company Search Report

The Gibraltar Company Register can provide a variety of documents. To request Company Registry copies of Company Documents from us please, enter the target company name and select the documents required.