Customer Service

Ireland Company Search

Ireland Company Search Report

Document Order

We are able to conduct a search on any company registered in Ireland The search report provides the latest information on the company held at the Companies Registration Office on the target company.

Ireland Company Search Report
Company Search Report£1384-5 days
Expedite fee£753-4 days

Ireland Companies Registry – Companies Registration Office

The Companies Registration Office in Ireland operates under the Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation, key functions include the Incorporation of Companies, Registration of changes in business name particulars, striking companies off the register and provision of information to the public.

Contents of an Ireland Company Search Report

  • Company Name and Previous Names – if applicable
  • Company Incorporation Number
  • Date of Incorporation
  • Company Type: single member private company limited by shares
  • Registered Office address
  • Current Legal Status – in Good Standing, struck off, dissolved
  • Date of Last Annual Return, date filed made up to
  • Date of the next Annual Return date
  • Date of last Accounts filed
  • Bond Expiry Date – if applicable
  • Registered Charges – charges registered in respect of the company, some charges may be received and not yet registered at the Companies Registration Office
  • Director’s details – including name, address, date of birth, confirmation if the person is an EEA resident and list of other directorships
  • Company Secretary details – including name and address
  • List of Documents submitted to the Companies Registration Office – including submission number, document number, document type, status, received date, effective/ accounts to date and the number of pages
  • Shareholders details – including name, address, number of shares held and share class
  • Authorised Share Capital – authorised nominal ie: 10,000 divided into 10,000 Ordinary Shares of €1 each
  • Issued Share Capital – issued nominal value of the shares – ie: 1,000 divided into 1,000 Ordinary Shares of €1 each
  • The Latest filed Directors’ Report and Accounts – most companies on the register are required to file accounts with their annual return within the Companies Act 2014. Contents can include: directors’ report, independent auditors’ report, profit and loss account, balance sheets, cash flow statement, notes on the cash flow statement and notes on the financial statements – if available
  • The annual return includes a list of directors and details of the company secretary at the date of the return together shareholders’ details and any share transfers since the previously filed return and the registered office address.

Ireland Company Search example

Order an Ireland Company Search Report

We can supply Company Search Reports on company’s registered in Ireland. Please complete our order form so we can assist with your Ireland company search and company document requirements. The Ireland company search report is delivered to you via email as a PDF.