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California Certificate of Good Standing

California Certificate of Good Standing – Certificate of Status

We can provide a California Certificate of Status, which is the equivalent of a Certificate of Good Standing, for any registered California corporations and limited liability companies. The certificate is issued by the California Secretary of State and confirms that the company is authorised to conduct business within the state. The certificate also verifies that the company has fulfilled all annual reporting and tax payment obligations imposed by the State of California.

California Certificate of Good Standing 
Certificate of Good Standing Registry CertifiedUS$130 – £1001-2 days
Certificate of Good Standing ApostilledUS$300 – £2505-10 days
Company SearchUS$95 – £751-2 days
Expedite feeUS$65 – £55

The Certificate includes the following:

  • Registered Company Name
  • Date of Incorporation
  • Business Type – LLC or Corporation
  • Company File Number
  • State Seal of California
  • The Certificate Verification Code
  • Confirms the company is currently Active
  • The entity is authorised to exercise all of its powers, rights and privileges in California
  • The California Certificate of Status is electronically signed, stamped and dated by the California Secretary of State under seal

Validate Certificate of Good Standing

The Certificate can be verified online on the California Secretary of State’s Certificate Verification site, to confirm it was issued by the Secretary of State’s office.

Apostille Certificate of Good Standing

We can help you obtain an apostille for a California Certificate of Good Standing. We will oversee the apostille process with the California Secretary of State. Once the certificate receives an apostille, it is valid for use without requiring additional certification in all member countries of the Hague Apostille Convention.

California Certificate of Good Standing example

Certificate of Good Standing California example

California Company Search Report

We can provide a California Company Search Report including the company registration details, company status, registered agent, filing history and a copy of the last business entity report filed with the California State Department.

California Company Credit Report

We can provide a California company credit report  that provides detailed information about a business’s creditworthiness, financial history, and overall risk profile. It is typically used by banks, investors, suppliers, and other stakeholders to assess the financial stability of a California-based company before engaging in business transactions.

For more information and to view example please visit our USA Company Credit Report page.

Company Not in Good Standing

If a California company is not in compliance with California State requirements a Certificate of Good Standing cannot be provided by the State Department. We will instead provide a copy of the California company file confirming the current company status.

California Company Restoration – Company Reinstatement

We can reinstate your company suspended or forfeited by the California Secretary of State by filing a current Statement of Information and paying the reinstatement fees. For more information and to view example please visit USA Company Reinstatement  page.

Order a California Certificate of Good Standing

When your order is placed for a document, we check the status of the company with the Corporations Section at the California Secretary of State. Once the certificate has been prepared by the California Secretary of State we get a scanned copy emailed through.

Please complete the form below to begin the process.