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Spain Company Formations

Spain Company Formations

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Incorporating a Sociedad Limitada (SL)

We undertake all the process of incorporating your company with a Power of Attorney.

Our Madrid office is close to the Central Tax Office and the Mercantile Registry, and we can deal with the incorporation efficiently for you.

 Spain Company Incorporation feesSpain Annual Compliance fees
Company Formation: £2400Registered Office: £600
Registered Office: £600Shareholder & Directors Register Maintenance: £180
Company Secretary required: £600Compliance fee: from £200
  • Drafting Power of Attorney for the incorporation of the Spanish SL
  • Company Name Approval
  • Company Statutes drafted and filed with the Registro Mercantil
  • Preparation of documents for IVA/EORI (Tax) registration
  • Notarial Fees
  • Registered Office address
  • Registration with the regional tax office Agencia Tributaria
  • Publication of details in the BORME

We incorporate your company through notarial deed in Madrid, which we then register with the Spanish Mercantile Registry.

  • Approval of company name from the Mercantile Registry
  • Assistance with the Fiscal Identity Number for shareholders and directors (CIF for corporations NIE for individuals)
  • Liaising with the Registrar and authorities
  • Structuring the company as per your requirements
  • Preparing your Company Registration Forms
  • ​Advice on the legalisation and drafting of powers of attorney
  • Assistance with opening the bank account for the deposit of the €3000 Share Capital
  • Drafting Company Statutes to sign with a Notary
  • Filing the documents with the Registro Mercantíl
  • Notarial Fees
  • Payment of the share capital tax at the regional tax office
  • Fiscal Registration for all taxes
  • Appoint the Directors & Shareholders
  • Minutes appointing first Directors
  • Preparation of the first minutes of Board Meeting
  • Standard Mercantile Registry fees which include the publicity in the BORME – the official newspaper
  • Preparation of bank certificate showing the initial participation in share capital
  • Registration of foreign capital investment if shareholders are not resident
  • ​Organising any translation work required ​for documents not completed in Spain
  • Supply of Registered Address in Madrid
  • Delivery of documents by FedEx/ DHL

NIE/ CIF Number

To be appointed as a director or shareholder you will require an NIE identification number and for a company shareholder it is a CIF number.

NIE and CIF numbers are obtained via Power of Attorney (Spanish ID document for individuals and corporate shareholders) +

Spanish Registro Mercantil

We present the following documents to the Mercantile Register:

  • The company statutes
  • The company name certificate
  • The receipt showing that the share capital has been paid into a bank
  • A receipt from the Central Tax Authority showing that the company has a temporary company number
  • The receipt from the regional tax authority showing that the incorporation deed has been stamped

The Mercantile Register allots an identification number to the company and arranges for the company details to be advertised nationally.

Share Capital

The minimum share capital is €3000.

There is no public register of shareholders, whilst the initial shareholders are stated in the deed of incorporation any subsequent changes to shareholders are by a notarial deed which is not filed at the Mercantile Register.

Registered Office

Every Spanish company must have a registered office, and this is the company’s official address registered at the Mercantile Register.

The Registered Office determines where deeds showing changes of directors, powers of attorney and annual accounts are filed. In addition, official court notices are delivered to the registered office.

Company Directors and Shareholders

  • Directors and Shareholders may be of any nationality and only one of each is required.
  • There is no requirement to appoint a Spanish resident director

Company Statutes

The company statutes are signed before a notary, which we organise.

  • The registered office in Madrid
  • The objects of the company
  • The directors of the company
  • The shareholders of the company
  • The share capital
  • Company Name certificate
  • Bank Deposit Certificate or provisional CIF number documentation
  • NIE certificates for the Directors
  • Power of Attorney if we are acting on your behalf

Articles of Association

The company’s Articles of Association include:

  • The name of your company.
  • Incorporation formalised through a public deed and its subsequent registration in the Mercantile Registry.
  • The type of company, Sociedad Limitada or the abbreviation S.L.
  • The company has its registered office in Spain
  • The €3000 share capital.
  • The management of the company can be entrusted to a sole director or a group of directors

Spain Ready Made Company

We have ready-made Sociedad Limitada (SL) that have never traded and are in Good Standing.

  • Our ready-made companies are registered with the Central Mercantile Register and incorporated in compliance with Corporate Enterprises Act (Ley De Sociedades De Capital)
  • Our Spanish ready-made companies are Sociedad Limitada (SL)
  • The company name can be changed on the day of purchase
  • Changes in the activities of the company can be made at the same time as the change in directors, simply by changing the objects of the company in the company statutes
  • Our ready-made SL companies can have a registered office in Barcelona or Madrid
  • Only 1 director of any nationality is necessary for your company
  • Only 1 shareholder is required
  • Shareholders may be of any nationality and can be either corporations or individuals