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Argentina Company Documents

Argentina Company Documents

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Argentina Company Document examples

As expert company incorporation agents, our strong relationship with the Registro Público de Comercio in Argentina allows us to efficiently obtain Argentina company documents and conduct detailed Argentine company searches. Our services provide essential information on companies in Argentina, supported by the country’s standardized accounting, auditing, and reporting requirements.

Argentina Company Search Documents
Company Search Report£1507-8 days
Expedite fee£755-6 days

If you need documents not listed, including apostilled company documents, please reach out to us for a custom quote. We are committed to meeting your specific requirements and typically respond to inquiries within a few hours.

Comprehensive Argentina Company Search Report

We can provide a company search report on companies registered in Argentina, this includes the latest information filed with the Companies Registry.  Read More

Argentina Company Financial Statements

Companies incorporated in Argentina are required to produce annual financial statements, which must be signed by directors, approved in a shareholders’ meeting, and filed with the Registro Público de Comercio. These documents include:

  • Balance Sheet
  • Income Statement
  • Statement of Changes to Equity
  • Statement of Sources and Application of Funds

Annual Return

All Argentine companies must file an annual return with the Registro Público de Comercio, detailing director and shareholder information, share structure, registered address, and primary business activities.

Argentina Certificate of Incorporation

We provide registry copies of the Certificate of Incorporation, which confirms the company’s name, registration number, and date of incorporation under Argentine law.

Memorandum and Articles of Association

We supply certified copies of the Memorandum and Articles of Association for Argentine companies, outlining key details such as:

  • Company name and registered office
  • Registered agent and business activities
  • Authorized share capital and company objectives

These documents, along with other incorporation materials, are filed with the Inspección General de Justicia (IGJ) for approval.

Argentina Company Formation

It takes up to 3-6 months to incorporate an SRL in Argentina, the company must be published at the Official Gazette, Boletín Oficial de la República. The notice must include name, age, nationality, occupation, address, date of the articles of incorporation, company name, purpose, term, capital, managing and members and terms if applicable.  Read More

Order Argentina Company Documents

We order search reports and company documents directly from the Argentina Registro Público de Comercio. Documents are delivered via email, ensuring timely and accurate results.