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Barbados Company Documents

Barbados Company Documents

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Barbados Company Document examples

We excel in delivering comprehensive company searches and official Barbados company documents from the Corporate Affairs and Intellectual Property Office. Our services guarantee that you receive the most accurate and current information to meet all your business requirements.

Barbados Company Documents
Company Search Report£2285-8 days
Certificate of Good Standing Registry Certified£3805-8 days
Certificate of Good Standing Apostilled£5508-14 days
Expedite fee£75

If you need a Barbados company document which is not listed please use the contact us form for a quote. We are committed to meeting your specific requirements and typically respond within a few hours.

Barbados Company Search Report

We conduct detailed company searches at the Corporate Affairs and Intellectual Property Office for any registered company in Barbados. To see what is included please Read More

Barbados Certificate of Good Standing

A company is deemed to be in Good Standing if it has completed all statutory filings and paid all necessary fees. The Certificate of Good Standing confirms that the company:

  • Exists at the Registrar of Companies
  • Has paid all fees and penalties due under the Act
  • Is not in the process of being wound-up or dissolved
  • Has not had proceedings instituted to strike its name off the Registrar of Companies

The Certificate of Good Standing is drafted by the Registrar and signed.  It is given the seal of the Barbados Notary Public.

This certificate is issued by the Registrar and sealed by a Barbados Notary Public. Please note that a Barbados IBC business license number (different from the company registration number) is required to issue the certificate.

For further information and to view an example of our Barbados certificate of Good Standing please visit: Barbados Certificate of Good Standing

Corporate Affairs and Intellectual Property Office

The Barbados Corporate Affairs and Intellectual Property Office is a division of the Ministry of Industry, International Business, Commerce and Small Business Development. The function of the Corporate Affairs and Intellectual Property Office is to support the development of Barbados’ domestic and international trade and business. International Offshore entities are registered with a Registered Agent in Barbados under the International Business Companies Act, Chapter 77.

Barbados Company Records

Section 168 (1) of the Companies Act requires companies to maintain the following records at their registered office:

  • A register of shareholders, including names, addresses, shares held, and dates of entry/exit from the register
  • Copies of notices detailing changes in directors
  • Register of Debentures
  • Minutes of meetings and shareholders’ resolutions

These records are confidential and not included in standard company searches

Order Barbados Company Documents

For official Barbados company documents, including Certificates of Good Standing, please complete our order form. We are here to assist with all your Barbados company document needs.