Customer Service

Belgium Company Search

Belgium Company Search Report

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We are able to conduct a company search on any company incorporated in Belgium.

We contact the Belgium Register of Legal Entities and obtain the latest information on the target company which will show the company’s current position and status.

The National Bank of Belgium collects the annual accounts of all legal entities in Belgium, the latest filed accounts are included in the company search reports.

Belgium Company Search Report
Company Search Report£1887-9 days
Expedite fee£755-7 days

The Belgium Company Search Report includes the following:

  • Company Name
  • Company Registration Number / Ondernemingsnummer
  • Company Registration Date/ Date of Incorporation
  • Current company status at the Register of Legal Entities – Active / Actief
  • Company Type/ Rechtsvorm – Naamloze Vennootschap, Besloten Vennootschap met Beperkte, Besloten Vennootschap met Beperkte Aansprakelijkheidaansprakelijkheid
  • Company Registered Address
  • Company contact details – where filed
  • Share Capital – In Euros €
  • Management of the company where available –  Directors details are made public, shareholder details are not mandatory so, are included where available at the registry
  • Activity code of company/ Nacebel Code d’activité
  • Business Activities
  • VAT/ IVA registration
  • Nacebel codes for VAT/ IVA activities
  • Licences – when filed
  • End date of financial year
  • Latest filed company accounts filed with the National Bank of Belgium, accounts are filed in Dutch, French or German and expressed in Euros – where available

The identity of the shareholders is not publicly disclosed and will not be included in the company search report.

Belgium Company Search Report example

Order a Belgium Company Search Report

We can provide a company search report from the Belgium Register of Legal Entities with the latest information on a company registered in Belgium. Once your order is received the Belgium company search report is prepared and emailed through as a PDF.