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Cayman Islands Company Formations

Cayman Islands Company Formations

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The Cayman Islands Exempt company is the company for Non-Residents where the proposed activities of the company are offshore.

The company is not authorised to trade in the Cayman Islands.

An application to incorporate a company is effected by the delivery of signed copies of the Memorandum of Association and the Articles of Association to the Registrar of Companies.

Once the company has been incorporated, a first meeting of directors deals with administrative matters, including:

  • Appointing directors and officers
  • Approving the transfer of shares held by the subscriber to the memorandum to the proposed shareholders
  • Approving the financial year end of the company
Cayman Islands Company Incorporation feesCayman Islands Annual Compliance fees
Exempt Company Formation: £1800 +Registered Office and Resident Agent: £1500
Registered Office and Resident Agent: £1500Company Management fee: £300
Stamp Duty & Filing fee: US$225Annual Beneficial Owner filings : £300
Cayman Islands  Government Fee US$1400Cayman Islands Government Fee US$1400
Economic Substance Filing fee: £480Economic Substance Filing fee: £480
UBO Register Submission: £175Shareholder & Directors Register Maintenance: £180
Company Secretary if required: £490Annual Compliance:  £200

Cayman Islands Exempt Companies

Where the proposed activities of a company are outside of the Cayman Islands, an Exempt company may be registered.

  • Exempt Company need not hold an annual general meeting in the islands.
  • It may issue shares with nominal or no par value
  • The annual return to the Registrar requires a declaration that: no changes, other than those notified to the Registrar, have been made in the Memorandum of Association; the provisions of the Companies Law have been observed; and the company’s operations are outside of the the Cayman Islands
  • An Exempted Company may express its capital in any currency or in multiple currencies

Cayman Islands Company Directors & Shareholders

Only one director is required for your company and the director may be of any nationality. The initial directors details are filed as part of the Memorandum and Articles of the company with the Registrar.

The Companies (Amendment) Act 2019 requires a company’s information, including a list of directors to be maintained and publicly available for inspection.

Only one shareholder is required for your company and there are no nationality or residence restrictions.

Share Capital

  • There is no minimum share capital
  • Exempt companies can issue shares at no par value
  • Non-Resident companies need to put a par value on shares
  • Additional Government fees will apply for a company incorporated with a share capital greater than US$50,000

Companies incorporated in the Cayman Islands must file an annual return in January of each year.

Registered Office and Registered Agent

Your company must have a registered office in the Cayman Islands.

The registered office is where documents may be legally served on the company. We provide the registered office address.

Company Incorporation Documents

Once incorporated we provide a set of corporate documents for your Cayman Islands company which, includes the Certificate of Incorporation, Memorandum of Association the Articles of Association, first minutes and Share Certificates. Copies of the company incorporation documents are sent via email and the  originals from the companies registry are sent to you in a corporate folder.


Companies in the Cayman Islands are not subject to any form of direct taxation in Cayman Islands. An Exempt company provides the additional benefit of a tax exemption certificate granted for a period of up to 20 years.