Customer Service

Cayman Islands Company Search


Cayman Islands Company Search Report

Document Order

We can provide a Company Search Report from the Registrar of Companies on any company registered in the Cayman Islands.

The Cayman Islands General Registry is making available the names of Directors in the search report, this is in addition to the other company registration information that has been available, including the company name, the type and status of the company, the registered office, the date of registration and the registration number.

The Company Search report includes a detailed registry search extract which can be authenticated online at the Cayman Islands General Registry.

We also check if the Cayman Island company is registered with the Cayman Island Monetary Authority.

Cayman Islands Company Search
Company Search Report£2582 days
Certificate of Good Standing Certified£40010 days
Certificate of Good Standing Apostilled£68010 days
Certified Memorandum of Association£40010 days
Certificate of Incumbency£52010 days
Register of Directors & Officers£20010days
Expedite fee£75

Contents of a Cayman Islands Company Search Report

  • Registered Company Name
  • Company Registration Number
  • Date of Incorporation
  • Company Type/ Entity – resident, non-resident or an exempted company
  • Company Status at the Cayman Islands General Registry – Active or Dissolved
  • Nature of Business
  • Registered Office Address – All companies must have a registered office in the Cayman Islands provided by a local licensed company
  • Registered Agent name, address and contact details
  • Director Register – including the Directors names, this is a statutory requirement to file with the Registrar of Companies
  • Authorised Share Capital
  • Initial Subscriber
  • Financial Year End
  • Details if registered with the Monetary Authority in the Cayman Islands including, reference number, full name, type of license registration and date recognised

Validate Detailed Search Report

The Cayman Islands Company Search report includes a detailed search document issued by the Registrar of Companies which can be validated online. To verify the validity of the document at the registry you will need the entity file number and the authorisation code from the document.

Cayman Islands Company Search Report example

Cayman Islands General Registry

Cayman Islands Companies Registry  General Registry | Grand Cayman

The Cayman Islands General Registry supports the Islands’ financial services industry by maintaining registers of Companies, Partnerships, Trusts and Patents & Trademarks.

Cayman Islands Exempted Companies

Exempted companies are the most common form of offshore company in the Cayman Islands and are incorporated or registered under the Revised Companies Act. A company may apply to be registered as exempted if its objects are to be carried out mainly outside the Cayman Islands or pursuant to a licence to carry on business in the Cayman Islands and it submits a declaration to the Registrar of Companies to this effect.

Order a Cayman Islands Company Search Report

Once you order is received we contact the Cayman Islands General Registry and check the company file, we then get the company search report prepared and email through on the target company.