Customer Service

Italy Company Search

Italy Company Search Report

Document Order

We are able to conduct a search on any company registered in Italy. We contact the Italian Business Register and obtain the latest information on the target company which will show the company’s current position and status.

Italy Company Search Report
Company Search Report£1383-5 days
Expedite fee£752-3 days

Italy Companies Registry

We can provide a search report from the Italian Business Register with the latest information on the target company.

Contents of an Italy Company Search Report

  • Company Name/ Denominazione
  • Company Registration Number – Numero REA
  • Date of Incorporation/ Data Iscrizione
  • Company type/Legal form/Forma giuridica – Societa’ a Responsabilita’ Limitata
  • Current Legal Status: Good Standing or Struck Off
  • Tax code – Codice fiscale
  • Registered Office address/ Sede Legale
  • Contact email address with registry – where available
  • Codice fiscal/ Tax Number
  • Duration of the company
  • Information from the company statutes/ Informazioni da statuto/atto costitutivo
  • Company Objects and Activities / Oggetto sociale
  • Shareholders details/ Soci e titolari di diritti su quote e azioni
  • Directors and a list of the company administrators/ Amministratori/ lenco amministratori
  • Director details – including name, address, date of birth and date appointed
  • Transfers of ownership/ Trasferimenti di proprietà
  • Supervisory bodies, Auditors/ Collegio Sindacale
  • Company Administrators/ Elenco amministratori
  • Statute Information/Informazioni da statuto/atto costitutivo
  • Parent Companies/Entities
  • Company Mergers, demergers, transfers/ Fusioni, scissioni, trasferimenti d’azienda
  • Authorised share capital in Euros/ Capitale Sociale in Euro’s
  • Date annual accounts filed
  • The latest filed Directors’ Report and Accounts – Latest Report and Accounts – if filed

This document is in Italian, we can provide an electronic english translated version of the key information.

Italy Company Search example

Order an Italy Company Search Report

Please complete our form with the name of the company and any instructions. The Italy company search report is delivered to you via email as a PDF.