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Kenya Company Documents

Kenya Company Documents

Order Documents

As company incorporation agents our experience and relationship with the Kenyan Registrar of Companies means, we can obtain registry copies of company documents and conduct comprehensive Kenya company searches.

Kenya Company Document fees

Kenya Company Documents
Company Search Report£2286-9 days
Certificate of Good Standing Registry Certified£3006-9 days
Certificate of Good Standing Apostilled£50014-21 days
Expedite fee£75

Kenya Company Search Report

The Kenya Company Search is a summary of the latest information filed at Kenyan Registrar of Companies, confirms the existence of the company and provides further company details disclosed by the company.

The contents of a Kenya company search report include the following:

  • Company Name
  • Company Registration Number
  • Date of Incorporation
  • Company Type – Limited Liability Company (LLC)
  • Tax Identification Number – where available
  • Registered Office Address
  • Principal Directors names – A Kenya company is requires to have one director, with no restrictions on nationality or residency – director details are included where available
  • Shareholders details – details included where available
  • Company Secretary details – Only companies with a Nominal Capital of over KES 500,000 are required to have a Company Secretary – details included where available
  • Share Capital – where available
  • Company contact details – where available
  • Additional Details not from the Kenya Registry – where available

Accounting and Reporting

All companies in Kenya are required to file annual returns, financial statements and annual tax returns with the Registrar of Companies, under the Kenyan Companies Act and the penalty for not filling these documents is company de-registration.

Kenya Certificate of Good Standing – Certificate of Registration

We can provide a Certificate of Good Standing/ Certificate of Registration which confirms the company was incorporated, and is currently registered with the Registrar of Companies. The electronic Certificate includes the company name, business registration number, company activity, registered address and details of the owner and is dated by the registrar once ordered. We can as an additional service provide the Certificate of Good Standing notarised and apostilled.

Memorandum and the Articles of Association

The Memorandum and Articles of Association which sets out the objectives of the company and the internal constitution of the company. We can check with the registrar and where available provide on request a scanned copy of the Memorandum of Association for a registered Kenya company.

Company Directors and Shareholders

Companies registered in Kenya have a legal obligation to maintain certain company registers, we can provide a Kenya company search which includes details of the registered company directors for Kenya companies. When a Kenya company is Incorporated a register of company directors and shareholders is usually filled with the Registrar of Companies. A company search on a Kenyan company will provide the details on company shareholders where filed and available from the Registrar of Companies.

Order Kenya Company Documents

The Kenya company search reports and Certificates of Good Standing are ordered from the Kenya Companies Registry and are delivered by email. Apostilled Certificates of Good Standing are delivered by couriered with a scanned copy emailed through.