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Liechtenstein Company Search

Liechtenstein Company Search Report

Document Order

We are able to conduct a search on any company registered in Liechtenstein.

Liechtenstein Company Search Report
Company Search Report£1384-5 days
Expedite fee£752-3 days

Liechtenstein Companies Registry

We can provide a search report from the Liechtenstein Handelsregister with the latest information on the target company.

Contents of a Liechtenstein Company Search Report

The contents of a Liechtenstein company search report will include:

  • Company Name
  • Previous registered business names
  • Company Registration Number / Firmennummer
  • Date of Incorporation / Eintragung
  • Date Cancelled – if status in liquidation
  • Company Type /Legal Status – Rechtsnatur – Anstalt
  • Legal Seat / Sitz
  • Current Status: i.e. active, in liquidation
  • List of Filings & Attachments
  • Share Capital: Authorised Capital or Number of Shares Issued
  • Journal numbers filed and date filed at the Handelsregister
  • Registered Office Address / Adresse der Firma
  • Previous registered office addresses
  • Additional details not from the registry – where available

The additional contents of the company search report depend on the legal form of the Liechtenstein company. The company extract is in German which, is the official language in Liechtenstein.

Liechtenstein Company Search example

Order a Liechtenstein Company Search Report

We can supply Company Search Reports on company’s registered in Liechtenstein.

Please complete our order form so we can assist with your company search and company document requirements. The company search report is delivered to you via email as a PDF.