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Luxembourg Company Documents

Luxembourg Company Documents

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Luxembourg Company Document examples

We specialise in incorporating companies in Luxembourg and are familiar with the documents available from the Registre de Commerce et des Sociétés.

Luxemborg Company Document fees

Luxembourg Company Documents
Company Search Report£1885-8 days
Certificate of Good Standing Registry Certified£2505-8 days
Certificate of Good Standing Apostilled£4008-14 days
Expedite fee£75

Registre de Commerce et des Sociétés – Luxembourg Companies Registry

Luxembourg Companies Registry Registry of Commerce and Companies

The Register of Commerce and Companies operates under the authority of the Minister of Justice, management of the RCS is entrusted by the Minister of Justice to an economic interest grouping comprising of the State Chamber of Commerce and the Chamber of Trade.

As incorporation agents our experience with the Registre de Commerce et des Sociétés means, we can obtain comprehensive company search reports and copies of official company documents.

Luxembourg Company Search Report

Our Luxembourg company search report confirms existence of a company, includes company details and company information filed with the Registre de Commerce et des Sociétés in Luxembourg.

The Registre de Commerce et des Sociétés is the official Luxembourg register of all companies covered by the amended Companies Law of 2002. The search report will be ordered from the Registre de commerce et des Société’s in Luxembourg.

A Luxembourg company search report includes:

  • Company Name/Dénomination ou raison sociale
  • Company Registration Number/ Numéro d’immatriculation
  • Registration Date/ Date d’immatriculation/ d’inscription:
  • Duration/ Durée
  • Company Status – Active, Radiée/ cancelled,
  • Company type/ Legal form/Forme juridique – Société à responsabilité limitée, Société Anonyme
  • Fiscal Year/ exercice social
  • Date of the last filed accounts for the company
  • Registered Office/ Siège Social
  • Share Capital/ capital social/fonds social
  • Shareholders/ Associés – including details and shares held/ Parts détenues
  • Company timescale – unlimited
  • Company Directors/ Administrateurs/ gérants – details including: addresas/ adresse privée ou professionnelle de la personne physique, period appointed for/durée du mandat
  • Activities of the company/ Indication de l’objet social
  • Auditor appointed – details and period appointed for
  • Includes the company extract from the Registre de Commerce et des Sociétés
  • The latest filed Directors’ Report and Accounts – contents includes: directors’ report, independent auditors’ report, profit and loss account, balance sheets, cash flow statement, notes on the cash flow statement and notes on the financial statements – if filed/ available
  • Beneficial Owner details – if available
  • List of the documents filed with Registre de Commerce et des Sociétés by the company – including document type, date filed at registry and any additional comments

Certificat Négatif – Certificate of Good Standing

A Certificate of Good Standing is not available in Luxembourg but, a Certificat Négatif can be provided.

The Registry of Commerce and Companies (RCS) can issue a Certificat Négatif confirming, on the previous day the company registered with the RCS was not subject to dissolution or liquidation. The certificate highlights if there are any problem relating to the company reported to the registry from the commerce court of Luxembourg. The certificate can be provided in electronic format with an electronic signature or a paper version bearing a handwritten signature.

The Certificat Négatif can be provided on Luxembourg companies in French or German.

Registry Copies of official Company Documents

We can obtain copies of official company documents direct from the Registry of Commerce and Companies for any Luxembourg company documents available include:

  • Certificat Négatif
  • Company Statutes

A certified document is where the Companies Registry stamps the document to verify its authenticity.

Luxembourg Company Accounts

Luxembourg companies have an obligation to file their annual accounts electronically with the Registre de Commerce et des Sociétés. Our Luxembourg company search includes the latest company accounts.

Company accounting records must be kept and filed in accordance with Luxembourg accounting standards and filing formalities as specified in Article 8 5 Commercial Code.

Accounting records must be prepared and filed with the following accounting documents: the balance sheet, profit and loss account and account balances.

We can provide latest Director’s Report & Accounts for Companies registered in Luxembourg.