Customer Service

Luxembourg Company Search

Luxembourg Company Search Report

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We are able to conduct a search on any company registered in Luxembourg. We contact the Registre de Commerce et des Sociétés and obtain the latest information on the Luxembourg company which will show the company’s current position and status.

Luxembourg Company Search Report
Company Search Report£1885-8 days
Expedite fee£754-5 days

Luxembourg Companies Registry

The Luxembourg Registre de Commerce et des /Sociétés operates under the authority of the Minister of Justice.

Contents of a Luxembourg Company Search Report

  • Company Name/Dénomination ou raison sociale
  • Company Registration Number/ Numéro d’immatriculation
  • Registration Date/ Date d’immatriculation/ d’inscription:
  • Duration/ Durée
  • Company Status – Active, Radiée/ cancelled,
  • Company type/ Legal form/Forme juridique – Société à responsabilité limitée, Société Anonyme
  • Fiscal Year/ exercice social
  • Date of the last filed accounts for the company
  • Registered Office/ Siège Social
  • Share Capital/ capital social/fonds social
  • Shareholders/ Associés – including details and shares held/ Parts détenues
  • Company timescale – unlimited
  • Company Directors/ Administrateurs/ gérants – details including: addresas/ adresse privée ou professionnelle de la personne physique, period appointed for/durée du mandat
  • Activities of the company/ Indication de l’objet social
  • Auditor appointed – details and period appointed for
  • Includes the company extract from the Registre de Commerce et des Sociétés
  • The latest filed Directors’ Report and Accounts – contents includes: directors’ report, independent auditors’ report, profit and loss account, balance sheets, cash flow statement, notes on the cash flow statement and notes on the financial statements – if filed/ available
  • Beneficial Owner details – if available
  • List of the documents filed with Registre de Commerce et des Sociétés by the company – including document type, date filed at registry and any additional comments

Luxembourg Company Search example

Order a Luxembourg Company Search Report

Please complete our form with the name of the company. We can assist with your company search requirements. The Luxembourg company search report is delivered to you via email as a PDF.