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Morocco Company Documents

Morocco Company Documents

Order Documents

Morocco has strengthened disclosure requirements, including increasing greater disclosure of company information in the annual accounts and reports. All accounting and reporting documentation must be submitted to the Commercial Register and is available for inspection.

As company incorporation agents our experience and relationship with the Morocco Centre Regional d’Investissement means we can obtain registry copies of company documents and conduct comprehensive Morocco company searches.

Morocco Company Document fees

Morocco Company Documents
Company Search Report£1386-7 days
Expedite fee£755-6 days

Morocco Company Search Report

We can provide a Company Search, with the latest filed information from the Registre central du Commerce.

The contents of a company search report include the following:

  • Company Name – Enseigne
  • Dénomination
  • Company Registration Number – Numéro RC
  • Date of Incorporation – Date création
  • Company Type – Forme juridique – Societe a Responsabilité Limitée
  • Morocco local register Court – Tribunal
  • Share Capital – MAD/Moroccan Dirhams
  • Company Status – Etat RC- en activite/active
  • Company Activity – Activité
  • Company Address – Adresse
  • Company Representatives – Name/Nom & Prénom, Position, Qualité and Adresse
  • Company History – Historique – Amendments and changes to statutes and changes filed at the registry
  • The latest filed Directors’ Report and Accounts – where available

Centre Regional d’Investissement

The Centre Regional d’Investissement carry’s out the following:

  • Deposit of bylaws and registration at the Tribunal of Commerce and the Company Registrar
  • Patente” tax number
  • Two announcements: in a legal journal and in the Official Bulletin
  • Declaration of fiscal existence
  • Social security affiliation
  • Legalisation of legal books

Morocco Certificate of Incorporation

The Morocco Certificate of Incorporation is issued by the Morocco Centre Regional d’Investissement when a Moroccan company is incorporated, we can provide a registry copy of a Morocco company incorporation certificate which includes the company name, company number, date of incorporation and states that a company is registered.

Alternatively we can provide an electronic duplicate of a Morocco Certificate of Incorporation, delivered by email as a pdf.

Financial Statements

Companies are required to produce and file an annual financial statement, filed with the Companies Registry. How detailed these accounts must be varies depending on the classification of the company – generally, the financial statements should include a profit and loss, balance sheet, cash flow statement, explanatory notes and an additional information report.

Companies with an annual turnover of less than MAD 10,000,000 (€900,000) benefit from being exempt from the obligation to produce the additional information report.

We can provide latest Director’s Report & Accounts for Moroccan Registered Companies.

Morocco Certificate of Good Standing

A Certificate of Good Standing/ cada legalización issued by the companies registry, confirms the company has a status of Good Standing with the registry and is up to date with the statutory filing requirements.

The certificate is provided from the Centre Regional d’Investissement Morocco with an official stamp, seal and signature of an authorised officer.

The Certificate of Existence and state of the company (copie des insriptions portées au registre) is the document which is similar to a Certificate of Good Standing.

We can get these in Casablanca with a register stamp on the back of the document in another provinces there will be a delay.

Morocco is not a signatory of the Hague Convention, so for costs of legalisation, you need to let us know for which country the document will be legalised.

Memorandum of Association

We can provide copies of Morocco companies Memorandum of Association which includes, the company name, registered office, registered agent, business activities, share capital the company is authorised to issue, objects and powers of the Morocco company.

Company Articles of Association are a statutory company document which form the company’s constitution and internal rules under which the Morocco company will be run.

Morocco Company Registration – Sàrl

  • Issue of tax identification certificate – Bulletin de Notification de L’Identificant Fiscal
  • VAT and Corporation Tax registration certificate: “Déclaration d’Éxistence” for the Impôt sur les Sociétés/ Corporation Tax and for Tax sur Valeur Ajoutée/VAT
  • Registration for the local activity tax “Taxe Professionnelle”
  • tax identification certificate: “Bulletin de Notification de L’Identificant Fiscal”
  • Copie des inscriptions portées au registre – copy of entries in the Trade Register (or Registre du Commerce)
  • “Attestation d’Inscription à la Taxe Professionnelle” – Proof of registration for the local activity tax

Company Directors

  • Only 1 director Director of any nationality is required
  • The names of directors and shareholders are filed at the companies registry
  • There is no requirement to have a Morocco resident director

Company Shareholders

  • Only 1 Shareholder of any nationality is required
  • The names of the shareholders are filed at the companies registry