Customer Service

Peru Company Search

Peru Company Search Report

Document Order

We are able to conduct a search on any company registered in Peru.

We contact the Peru Registry and obtain the latest information on the target company which will show the company’s current position.

Peru Company Search Report
Company Search Report£25812-14 days
Expedite fee£756-7 days

Peru Companies Registry

We can provide a search report from the Peruvian Companies Registry with the latest information on the target company

Contents of a Peru Company Search Report

Our Peru Company Search report includes the following:

  • Company Name – Nombre/ Razón Social
  • Business/ Trade Name – Nombre Comercial
  • Company Type/ Legal form – privately held corporation
  • Mercantile Registry Number
  • Company Status – Active
  • Tax ID/ Número de RUC
  • Date of Incorporation/ Registration date – Fecha de Inscripción
  • Authorised nominal share capital, issued capital and paid up capital – (figures in Peruvian soles)
  • Date of Commencement of Activities/ Fecha de Inicio de Actividades
  • Company Status/ Estado de la Empresa – Activo, Suspended/ Suspension Temporal, Officially Deregistered/ Cancelled
  • Date Officially Deregistered/ Cancelled – if applicable
  • Company Type/ Tipo Contribuyente – Sociedad Anonima, Empresa Individual de Resp. Ltda
  • Company Location – Ubicación
  • Activities of the Company/ Actividades Económicas
  • Accounting System/ Sistema de Contabilidad
  • Trade Activity/ Actividad de Comercio Exterior
  • Historical Information from the registry
  • Legal Address/ Dirección del Domicilio Fiscal
  • Number of Employees/ Número de Trabajadores
  • Main Address/ Dirección Principal
  • Company contact details – where available
  • Company Activity/ Sector económico de desempeño
  • Legal Representatives/ Representantes Legales – Director, Presidente, General Manager/ Gerente General, including the following details: Name/ Nombre, Position/ Cargo, Date Appointed/ Fecha Desde – where available

Peru Company Search example

  • Incorporation details including date and registration number
  • Current company status at the Peru Companies Registry
  • Date of Commencement of Activities/ Fecha de Inicio de Actividades
  • Company Status/ Estado de la Empresa – Activo, Suspended/ Suspension Temporal, Officially Deregistered/ Cancelled

Peru Company Search Report example

Order a Peru Company Search Report

We can supply a Company Search Report on companies registered in Peru. The Peru Company Search Report once received from the Registrar of Companies are delivered by email as a PDF.