Sierra Leone Company Documents | Order Documents |
We can supply a Sierra Leone company search report and company documents from the Office of the Administrator and Registrar General.
In order to obtain a company search from Sierra Leone our agent has to physically visit the registry to request the documents then return several times to make payment and receive the documents.
Sierra Leone Company Document fees
Sierra Leone Company Documents | ||
Company Search Report | £428 | 21-28 days |
Expedite fee | £75 | 14-21 days |
Order |
Office of the Administrator and Registrar General
The Office of Administrator and Registrar General main functions are:
- Registration of Sierra Leone companies
- Administration of Sierra Leone companies
- Record management systems
Company Search Report
We can provide a Company Search, with the latest filed information from the Office of Administrator and Registrar General in Sierra Leone. The Business Registry processes applications for the registration of sole proprietorship, partnership, companies and other businesses in Sierra Leone.
The Laws governing the registration of businesses are the Companies Act 2009, the Business Names Registration Act, Cap 257, the Business Names 1983 as amended by the Registration of Business Act, 2007, and the General Law (Business Start Up) (Amendment Act)2007.
The contents of a Sierra Leone company search report include the following:
- Company Name
- Company Registration Number
- Date of Incorporation – date registered with the Office of the Administrator and Registrar General (OARG) at Roxy Building, Walpole Street, Freetown
- Company Type – limited liability company,
- Tax Identification Number – A company is issued Tax Identification Number as soon as registered in Sierra Leone – where available
- Registered Office Address
- Principal Directors names
- Shareholders – name, address and number shares held
- Share Capital – the minimum share capital requirement for registering a company in Sierra Leone is Le 1,000,000.00.
- Agent – Incorporated company – where available
- Agent contact details – where available
- Company contact details – where available
- Additional details not from the Sierra Leone Registry – where available
Sierra Leone Certificate of Incorporation
The Certificate of Incorporation is issued by the Sierra Leone companies registry when a company is incorporated and we can provide a registry copy of a Sierra Leone company incorporation certificate which includes the company name, company number, date of incorporation and states that a company is registered.
Sierra Leone Certificate of Good Standing
A company which is registered with the registry, is said to be in good standing if it has filed and continued to file all statutory filings and paid all annual fees which are due. The Registry do issue certificate of good standing which and many companies in Sierra Leone fail to submit annual returns of their operations to the registry.
Memorandum of Association
We can provide on request a scanned copy of the Memorandum of Association for a registered Sierra Leone company.
The Memorandum of a Sierra Leone company:
- States the name of the company
- That the registered office of the company is situated in Sierra Leone
- Nature of the business or businesses which the company is authorised to carry on
- Restriction on the powers of the company
- Liability of its shareholders
- If the company has a share capital the memorandum shall also state the amount of share capital
Filing Requirements
A Sierra Leone incorporated company has certain reporting obligations to the OARG. The following changes in the company must be reported within 14 days after occurrence:
- Change of Name or Address
- Transfer of Shares and changes in Share Capital
- The company’s account must be audited
Memorandum of Association
The memorandum of every company shall state, the name of the company, that the registered office of the company is in Sierra Leone, the nature of the business, the restriction, if any, on the powers of the company and that the company is a private or public company.
Directors & Company Secretary
Every company registered shall have at least two directors and a Company Secretary.
Share Capital
No company shall be registered with share capital less than Le1,000,000 in the case of a private company.
Sierra Leone Company Formations
All companies in Sierra Leone are required to be registered and a certificate issued, that must be displayed in the principal place of the business.
When a company is incorporated the following Statutory Notices are submitted – Registered Office, Share capital, Shareholders, Directors and the Memorandum and Articles of Association.