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South Korea Company Search

South Korea Company Search Report

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We are able to conduct a search on any company registered in South Korea.

We contact the South Korea Companies Registry and obtain the latest information on the target company which will show the companies current position and status.

South Korea Company Search Report
Company Search Report£1887-10 days
Expedite fee£753-6 days

South Korea Companies Registry

We can provide a company search report from the South Korea Companies Registry with the latest information on the target company, the information on smaller companies can be limited as in Korea a company is not obliged to disclose accounts and shareholder details

Contents of a South Korea Company Search Report

  • Company name
  • Company Type – Statutory Audited Companies, Limited Liability Company – Yuhan Hoesa
  • Company Incorporation Number
  • Tax Identification Number – where available
  • Date Company Established/Registered
  • Current company status at the South Korea Companies Registry
  • Industry Company Code (KSIC)
  • Activity (KSIC) description
  • Company Head Office Address
  • Company contact details – including telephone, email, website – where available
  • Fiscal year end

Major Shareholders and share details including:

  • Authorised Share Capital – KRW
  • Number of shares issued
  • Issued Capital – KRW

Major Shareholders and share details including:

  • Shareholders name – where available
  • Number of shares held – where available
  • Percentage of shares held – where available

Management details including:

  • Director name
  • Position – President, Chief Executive (CEO) Chairman, Vice Chairman – other details including date of birth where available

Related Companies/ Subsidiaries details including:

  • Company Name and KSIC Code – where available
  • President CEO Name
  • Financial highlights including – total assets, equity capital, Net sales and Net income – where available

Additional details including:

  • Related companies
  • Number of Employees
  • Details if listed with KOSDAQ – the trading board of Korea Exchange in South Korea
  • Company Size – small, medium, large
  • The search report is provided in English

Latest Financial Accounts, where available including:

  • Latest financial statements
  • Total assets, liabilities, total stockholder equity, sales (NET), Operating Income, Net Income

South Korea Company Search example

Order a South Korea Company Search Report

We can supply a Company Search Reports on companies registered in South Korea.

The document once received from the Registrar of Companies are delivered by email as a PDF.