Customer Service

Slovenia Company Search

Slovenia Company Search Report

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We are able to conduct a search on any company registered in Slovenia.

We contact the Slovenian Business Register and obtain the latest information on the target company which will show the company’s current position and status.

Slovenia Company Search Report
Company Search Report£1383-5 days
Expedite fee£751-2 days

Slovenia Companies Registry

We can provide a search report from the Slovenian Business Register with the latest information on the target company. The Slovenian Business Register – Poslovni Register Slovenije contains information on companies involved in a profit or non-profit activity having their principal place of business located in Slovenia.

Contents of a Slovenia Company Search Report

  • Company Name/Firma – including full company name and any short registered version/Skrajšana firma
  • Name Change if applicable
  • Company Registration Number/ Matična številka
  • Date of Incorporation/Registration Date
  • Company Status/ Status Subjekta – Registered/Active
  • Tax Identification Number/Davčna številka
  • Share Capital/ Osnovni Kapital – Euro €, Slovenian Tolar (SIT)
  • Registered Office/Naslov/Sedež
  • Registered Office Address
  • Company Type/Pravnoorganizacijska Oblika -Družba z omejeno odgovornostjo d.o.o, d.n.o

Shareholders & Shares/družbeniki in poslovni deleži including:

  • Shareholder number/ zap.št.družbenika
  • iIdentification Number:/ dentifikacijska številka
  • Company Name/Firma
  • Address/Naslov
  • Responsibility for the liabilities of the company/vrsta odgovornosti za obveznosti družbe
  • Date of entry/ Datum Vstopa
  • Input/Osnovni Vložek
  • Number share held / št. deleža
  • Percentage of Shares held

Authorised representatives details including:

  • Position – director

representative number, type of representative, ID Number, address, date of appointment.

Slovenia Company Search example

Order a Slovenia Company Search Report

We can supply a Company Search Report on companies registered in Slovenia. The company search once received from the Slovenian Business Register is delivered by email as a PDF.

Please complete our enquiry form. so we can assist with your Slovenia company search requirements.