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Algeria Company Documents

Algeria Company Documents

Document Order

National Commercial Registry Center

We can provide copies of Algeria company documents and conduct searches for companies registered in Algeria from the National Commercial Registry Center (CNRC) in Algeria.

Algeria Company Documents
Company Search Report£1888-10 working days
Expedite fee£755-7 working days

Algeria Company Search Report

We can provide a Company Search, with the latest filed information from the National Commercial Registry Center.

The Company Search Report includes:

  • Name of Company
  • Unique identifier of the company
  • Company Address
  • Additional details – where available

Companies are registered with Arabic names in Algeria, so company searches can take time and the information available varies.

Algeria Company Formation

The company registration process is as follows

  • Confirm availability of the proposed company name.
  • Deposit the company capital with a notary public.
  • Prepare and submit the company statutes and supporting documents.
  • Obtain a copy of the criminal record and birth certificate of the company’s manager.
  • Publish formation of the company in the official journal and a national newspaper.
  • Pay the required stamp duty.
  • Register for the relevant taxes with the local tax inspectorate.

After incorporation, a company must complete several additional registrations, including with various social security departments and the Unemployment Insurance Fund. The company also needs to open a bank account, create a company seal, and have its accounting books stamped at the court.

Order Algeria Company Documents

The Algeria Trade and Company Register can provide a variety of company documents.

The Algeria company search report will be ordered from the Algeria Companies Registry and is delivered by email. Algeria corporate documents are ordered from the National Commercial Registry Center and delivered by email and courier. If you are a UK based client VAT will be added to your order.