Customer Service

Belize Company Search

Belize Company Search Report

Document Order

We are able to conduct a company search on any company registered in Belize. We contact the Belize Companies and Corporate Affairs Registry and and obtain the latest filed information on the target company including the company’s current status.

The company search provides information on the company held at the Registry, the amount of information available may be limited and is dependent on which documents the company has filed with the Registry.

With the Enactment of the Belize Companies Act 2022, the Companies Registry launched its digital transformation of company registration services via an Online Business Registry System (OBRS). All companies are required to re-register as a Business Entity and will receive a new unique 9-digit business entity number and an E-Certificate. If the company has not re-registered no documents or extracts can be provided until the company has re-registered.

Belize Company Search Report
Company Search Report£1885-8 days
Expedite fee£753-4 days

Contents of a Belize Company Search Report

We can conduct searches at the Belize International Business Companies Registry on any Belize registered company. The Belize company search report includes:

  • Registered Company Name
  • Company name if registered in additional language – where applicable
  • Company Registration Number
  • Date of Incorporation
  • Company Type
  • Company Status – Active, Not Active, Struck-off
  • Authorised Share Capital
  • Registered Office Address
  • Resident Agent Name
  • Resident Agent Address – where available
  • Registered Agent Contact Information
  • Company Details – not from the registry – where available

Confidentiality of company documents is one of the key attractions of incorporating in Belize, under the Belize Business Companies Act 2004 companies are not required to file accounts, details of directors, details of shareholders, register of charges or an annual return with the Belize Companies Registry.

The company search report does not include director or shareholder details as this information does not appear on public record.

Belize Company Documents

  • Belize Company Search Report – latest details filed at the International Business Companies Registry
  • Belize Certificate of Good Standing – States that a Belize company has Good Standing status
  • Memorandum and Articles of Association – statutory documents filed with the International Business Companies Registry upon Incorporation of the Belize IBC
  • Apostilled Belize Company Documents – Legalised for use in countries signed up to the Hague Convention

Belize Company Search Report example

Order a Belize Company Search Report

We can supply a Company Search Report on company’s registered in Belize. Please complete our order form so we can assist with your Belize company search and company document requirements.

Once the Belize company search is received from the Belize International Business Companies Registry it will be delivered to you by email as a PDF.