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Gibraltar Company Dissolution

Gibraltar Company Dissolution – Closing a Gibraltar Company

If you no longer require your Gibraltar company and require it to be Struck-Off we can assist with the Company Dissolution.

Irrespective of the reason, it is very important to take the necessary steps to dissolve your Gibraltar company correctly, don’t just leave it and walk away.

As a Company Director you need to comply with the Gibraltar Companies Act 2014 as well as protecting yourself from potential risk and fines.

Gibraltar Company Dissolution fees 
Gibraltar Company Dissolution£740
Company Search£60
Due Diligence – per Director & Shareholder£100
Registry document preparation and filing fee £140
Confirmation of Dissolution certificate£180

Having your Gibraltar Company Struck off

The striking off procedure provides an alternative to Voluntary Liquidation, when your Gibraltar company has no assets or liabilities, the advantages of are:

  • Maintains the company’s Directors and Shareholders reputation for future business ventures
  • Straightforward process compared to company liquidation
  • Avoids formal investigation into the conduct of the directors as required in liquidation or receivership
  • Avoids the costs of liquidation, fees and expenses

Requirements to dissolve your Gibraltar company

The Gibraltar company must be:

  • In Good Standing with the Registry
  • A declaration on form 413 to be completed and signed by a company director
  • The company has to have all charges or mortgages satisfied
  • The company has no assets in Gibraltar or abroad

Gibraltar Dissolution Process

  • We check the Registry Company file
  • We prepare a declaration which is signed by a Director of the Gibraltar company to confirm the company is free from charges or mortgages and liabilities and has no assets in Gibraltar or abroad
  • Gibraltar registry statutory filing fee is paid
  • Application is made to Gibraltar Companies House for your company to be struck off
  • First Notice is given to Strike off your Company
  • Striking off Pending, your Company Name is flagged at the Registry
  • Striking off – after the expiry of three months from the date of the First Notice, the company is struck off unless the Registrar receives an objection
  • Final Notice issued, on the date of this notice, your companies name will be struck off from the Register of Companies and your company is dissolved
  • Publication of Notices, you will receive a copy of the Final Notice of strike off and it will be published in the supplement to the Gibraltar Gazette

Strike off Guidance

Striking off a company is at the Registrar’s discretion and the action could be halted if an objection is received.

The Registrar reserves the right to request further information or confirmation from the officers of the Company that the company has no assets or liabilities.

To start the process and to enable us to give a precise quote we require copies of the company documents, please upload: Company Documents

We will then inspect the company file at the Register of Companies in Gibraltar.