Customer Service

Ireland Company Formation

Ireland Company Formations

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Our Ireland company formation package includes the following:

  • Irish Company Name Check
  • Structuring the company as per your requirements
  • Prepare your Company Registration Forms
  • Appoint the first Directors, Shareholders and Secretary
  • Drafting the Constitution and allocation of the NACE code
  • Fast track electronic filing of documents with the Companies Registration Office – incorporation usually takes 4 days
  • Government licence fee payable on incorporation
  • Issue of Shares
  • Certificate of Incorporation
  • The Constitution, one copy is held by the Companies Registration Office
Ireland Company Incorporation feesIreland Annual Compliance fees
Company Formation: £480Registered Office: £400
Registered Office: £400Company Secretary: £400
Identified Personal Number £200 per personShareholder & Directors Register Maintenance: £180
Annual Return: £200Compliance fee: £200
Company Secretary: £400

Company Directors

One director is required, and they need to be a permanent resident of a country in the European Economic Area.

Every company is required to have a minimum of two officers.  The sole Director cannot act as the Company Secretary.

Company Secretary

Irish companies are required to have a Company Secretary and have the duty of filing the annual return and accounts ensuring that the Companies Act 2014 is complied with.

Share Capital – Shareholders

The issued share capital normally consists of one hundred shares with a nominal value of €1 each.

Ireland EU Director Bond – Resident Director

If your Irish Company does not have a director who is resident in the European Economic Area, a two-year Non-Resident bond is required.

The Section 137 Non-Resident Directors Bond exempts companies registered in the Republic of Ireland from the requirement to have a resident in the European Economic Area as a director.

The Bond insures the company for a sum of €25,000.  We can arrange for a non-resident director bond if required.

Ireland Registered Office

This is the address where your company is officially registered and accepts service of legal documents from the Revenue Commissioners and the Companies Registration Office.

It does not have to be the address where the business is carried out.  We provide your registered office address.

Register Beneficial Owner – Personal Public Service/Identified Personal Number.

If the directors, shareholders, beneficial owners do not have an Irish PPS number or a previously issued RBO number they must apply for an Identified Personal Number (IPN)

Application forms must be sworn in the presence of a notary in the director’s home country.

Once the form has been processed, the CRO will issue an IPN.   This can be used for all future CRO filings for any company to which that named officer is appointed.

Once the IPN application has been processed successfully the Identified Person Number is issued by the Registrar, that number can be used for making future filings for that person.

Ireland Annual Compliance

In line with the Anti-Money Laundering regulations, we complete compliance checks and update the records held at the Registered Office, to ensure your Irish company meets its regulatory obligations and remains in Good Standing.

We conduct annual reviews to ensure that the due diligence documentation held on your company file are up to date.

The fee covers the additional time spent monitoring Know Your Client for the Company Directors, Shareholders and other connected entities, in addition to general matters concerning corporate governance and regulatory updates.

Our annual compliance is based on an Ireland company with standard Share Capital, two Directors and two Shareholders. If your company has a higher Share Capital or additional Directors or Shareholders, there will be additional compliance charges.

Shareholder & Directors Maintenance

Under the Companies Act, we need to ensure your company registers, including the directors register and shareholder register are maintained. A copy of the Directors register is held at the Irish registered office of your company.

If there are changes to the Company Directors of your company, we will need to get updated due diligence records and file an updated directors register with the Companies Registry.