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Philippines Company Documents

Philippines Company Documents

Document Order

As company incorporation agents our experience and relationship with the Philippines Securities and Exchange Commission means we can obtain registry copies of company documents and conduct comprehensive Philippines company searches from the Companies Registry, these documents are usually only filed in Filipino.

Philippines Company Document fees

Philippines Company Documents
Company Search Report£1885-8 days
Certificate of Good Standing Registry Certified£3805-8 days
Certificate of Good Standing Apostilled£55010-14 days
Company Credit Report£1605-8 days
Expedite fee£75

Philippines Company Search Report

A Philippines company report includes details of the company, confirms its existence and lists company information.

The Philippines company report includes:

  • Company Name
  • Previous Names History – if applicable
  • Trade Name – where available
  • Tax ID Number – where available
  • Company Registration Number / ID number
  • Date of Incorporation / Registration date
  • Company Type/Legal Form – Corporation, Company Partnership, Sole-proprietorship
  • Main company Activity
  • PSIC Code – where available
  • Company Share Capital – where available
  • Term registered for – where available
  • Company Address / Headquarters
  • Company contact details

Company Accounts including:

  • The latest filed Directors’ Report and Accounts – contents includes: directors’ report, supplementary information, statement of financial position, statement of comprehensive income, statement in changes in equity, cash flow statement, notes to the financial statements, profit and loss account, balance sheets, independent auditors’ report – if filed
  • The format of the accounts to be submitted depends on the size of the Philippines company
  • Philippines Securities and Exchange commission.

Share Capital; information where available, including:

  • Paid up capital
  • Authorised capital
  • Subscribed capital
  • Par value per share

Shareholder details, where available including:

  • Full Names of shareholders
  • Amount subscribed
  • Amount Paid-Up

Related companies including:

  • Affiliate company name and details – included where available

Management details including :

  • Full Names of the directors
  • Position held within the company
  • Additional details where available

Additional details including:

  • Operations of the Company/ Partnership
  • Number of Employees
  • Market covered
  • Branches and Facilities
  • Any negative records – where available
  • Further Information on the company activities

Philippines Company Credit Reports

With a Philippines Company Credit Report we conduct an investigation on the target company, include the latest information on the company held by the Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC) and credit recommendations are included, where financial data has been analysed.

A Philippines company credit report includes details of the company, confirms its existence and lists company information.

The Philippines company report includes:

  • Company Name in English
  • Previous Names History – if applicable
  • Trade Name – where available
  • Tax ID Number – where available
  • Company Registration Number / ID number
  • Date of Incorporation / Registration date
  • Company Type/ Legal Form – Private Company with Limited Liability, Corporation, Company Partnership, Sole-proprietorship
  • Main company Activity
  • License Number
  • PSIC Code – where available
  • Company Share Capital – where available
  • Term registered for – where available
  • Company Address / Headquarters
  • Company contact details – where available

Company Accounts including:

  • The latest filed Directors’ Report and Accounts – contents includes: directors’ report, supplementary information, statement of financial position, statement of comprehensive income, statement in changes in equity, cash flow statement, notes to the financial statements, profit and loss account, balance sheets, independent auditors’ report – if filed
  • The format of the accounts to be submitted depends on the size of the Philippines company
  • Philippines Securities and Exchange commission.

Share Capital; information where available, including:

  • Paid up capital
  • Authorised capital
  • Share value

Please note with a Sole-proprietorship there is no requirement to file the Authorised Capital.

Shareholder details, where available including:

  • Full Names of shareholders
  • Amount subscribed
  • Amount Paid-Up

Related companies including:

  • Affiliate company name and details – included where available

Management details including :

  • Full Names of the directors
  • Position held within the company
  • Additional details where available

Additional details including:

  • Operations of the Company/ Partnership
  • Number of Employees
  • Market covered
  • Branches and Facilities
  • Any negative records – where available
  • Further Information on the company activities

Financial Accounts including- where available:

  • Balance Sheet
  • Income Statement
  • Financial Ratios

Credit Recommendations including:

  • Credit Rating
  • Rating description

Philippines Certificate of Incorporation

The Philippines Certificate of Incorporation is issued by the Philippines companies registry when a Philippines company is incorporated, We can provide a registry copy of a Philippines company incorporation certificate which includes the company name, company number, date of incorporation and states that a company is registered.

Philippines Certificate of Good Standing

We can supply a Certificate of Good Standing from the Philippines Securities and Exchange Commission certifying that the Philippines Company is in Good Standing. The document can be provided from the Securities and Exchange Commission in English.

The certificate certifies:

  • That the company is registered with the Philippines Department of Finance Cooperative Development Authority
  • The registered office address of the company
  • The registration number of the company
  • The date the certificate was issued
  • That the certificate was issued with all requirements under the Memorandum Circular No. 2011-16 met

Financial Statements

Philippine companies annual submit financial statements to Securities and Exchange Commission. We can supply a copy of the most recent accounts, these are usually only filed in Filipino.

Articles of Incorporation

We can provide copies of the Articles of Incorporation, these are filed by the company at the Philippines Securities and Exchange commission and usually just filed in Filipino.

Philippines Company Formation

There are several types of businesses in the Philippines, these include:

  • 100% Foreign Owned Domestic Corporation
  • 100% Philippine Local Corporation – which is 100% Filipino owned
  • 60/40 Owned Domestic Corporation – which is 60% Filipino owned and 40% Foreign Owned
  • Foreign Branch

Incorporating a company requires a minimum of 5 shareholders, each of whom must be actual persons and hold at least a single share in the company; the majority of the shareholders must be Filipino.

A Corporation must have at least 5 directors, each of whom must hold one share and the majority of the directors must be Philippine residents.

All Domestic Companies obtain their license from the Securities Exchange Commission.

Under the Foreign Investment Act the minimum paid-up share capital requirement for a corporation considered a Domestic Market Enterprise or one where the foreign shareholder exceeds 40% is US$200,000

Share Capital

The minimum amount of capital to be deposited in a local bank before applying for a license to operate with the Securities and Exchange Commission is PHP5,000/ €100.

A 100% foreign owned company which exports at least 60% of its products or services may be setup with €1600/ PHP100,000 of share capital.

A 100% foreign owned Domestic Company which is not export oriented (a subsidiary of a foreign corporation) is required to have at least €200,000 of share capital.

Company Directors & Shareholders

The corporate officers of a Philippine company consist of the president, the corporate secretary and a corporate treasurer. The President is required to be a member of the Board of Directors. The Corporate Treasurer and the Corporate Secretary are required to be both residents and citizens of the Philippines.

A minimum of five shareholders is required for a Philippines company.

Filing Requirements

Philippine companies have to annually file the following documents with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

  • Financial Statements
  • Articles of Incorporation
  • General Company Information Sheet