Customer Service

Poland Company Search

Poland Company Search Report

Document Order

We are able to conduct a search on any company registered in Poland. We contact the National Court Register Registry and obtain the latest information on the Polish company which will show the company’s current position and status.

Poland Company Search Report
Company Search Report£1383-4 days
Expedite fee£751-2 days

Poland Companies Registry – National Court Trade Registry

National Court Trade Register is centralised, consisting of Register of Companies and Register of Associations. Each company entered in the National Court which includes documents confirms signatures of the persons authorised to represent the Polish company.

Contents of a Poland Company Search Report

  • Company Name and Name Change if applicable
  • Company Incorporation Number / Regon Number
  • Date of Incorporation / Registration
  • Company Type / Legal Form / Forma Prawna – SPÓLKA Z OGRANICZONA ODPOWIEDZIALNOSCIA / Spólka z.o.o
  • KRS Number
  • Tax Identification Number / NIP number – Numer Identyfikacji Podatkowej
  • Company Status – active company
  • Registered Office Address / adres rejestrowy
  • Company contact details / dane kontaktowe – where available
  • Filed changes to the company registered address since incorporation – where applicable
  • Duration company established for – where applicable
  • Objects and Activities – According to the Polish activity classification (PKD)
  • Share Capital / Struktura wlasnosci – on date of company registration

Including on each Shareholder/ Wlasnosci:

  • Company Shareholder – Name/ Company name and company registration number
  • Company Shareholder – PESEL ID number / REGON number
  • Company Shareholder – Address
  • Company Shareholder – Shares held
  • Company Shareholder – Value of shares
  • Company Shareholder – details of deleted shareholders and changes to shares held

Including on each Director/ Management / Czlonkowie reprezentacji of the company:

  • Director – Full name and company name and company registration number
  • Director – PESEL ID number / REGON number
  • Director – Full address
  • Director – Position held
  • Director – Date Appointed

Company Accounts including:

  • The latest filed Directors’ Report and Accounts – The latest filed Directors’ Report and Accounts – contents includes: directors’ report, supplementary information, statement of financial position, statement of comprehensive income, statement in changes in equity, cash flow statement, notes to the financial statements, profit and loss account, balance sheets, independent auditors’ report – if filed and available (Not all reports includes full financial information as companies do not always deliver the obligatory information to the Court.)
  • Date of Last Accounts, date filed and date made up to
  • The format of the accounts to be submitted depends on the size of the Polish company

Additional details including:

  • Date of signing the Articles of Association/ Statues of the company
  • Details of amendments made to the Articles of Association/ Statues of the company
  • A copy of the current Polish extract on the company

Not all search reports includes financial information as companies do not always deliver this obligatory information to the Court.

Poland Company Search example

Order a Poland Company Search Report

To request Company Registry copies of Company Documents from us please, enter the target company name and select the documents required. The Poland company search report is delivered to you via email as a PDF.