Slovenia Company Documents | Document Order |
Using our experience and relationship with the Slovenian Business Register means, we can obtain registry copies of company documents and conduct comprehensive Slovenia company searches.
Slovenia Company Document fees
Slovenia Company Documents | ||
Company Search Report | £100 | 3-5 days |
Director’s Report & Accounts | £96 | 3-5 days |
Expedite fee | £75 | 2-3 days |
Order |
Slovenia Company Search Report
We can provide an extract from Slovenian Business Register which includes the current status of the company. This company extract is included in the company search and can be provided in English or Slovenian.
The Slovenian business register is managed by the Agency of the Republic of Slovenia for Public Legal Records – Agencija Republike Slovenije za javnopravne evidence in storitve.
The company search includes the following information from the Slovenian Business Register:
- Company Name/Firma – including full company name and any short registered version/Skrajšana firma
- Name Change if applicable
- Company Registration Number/ Matična številka
- Date of Incorporation/Registration Date
- Company Status/ Status Subjekta – Registered/Active
- Tax Identification Number/Davčna številka
- Share Capital/ Osnovni Kapital – Euro €, Slovenian Tolar (SIT)
- Registered Office/Naslov/Sedež
- Registered Office Address
- Company Type/Pravnoorganizacijska Oblika -Družba z omejeno odgovornostjo d.o.o, d.n.o
Shareholders & Shares/družbeniki in poslovni deleži including:
- Shareholder number/ zap.št.družbenika
- iIdentification Number:/ dentifikacijska številka
- Company Name/Firma
- Address/Naslov
- Responsibility for the liabilities of the company/vrsta odgovornosti za obveznosti družbe
- Date of entry/ Datum Vstopa
- Input/Osnovni Vložek
- Number share held / št. deleža
- Percentage of Shares held
Authorised representatives details including:
- Position – director
representative number, type of representative, ID Number, address, date of appointment.
Director’s Report & Accounts
In Slovenia, companies including banks, insurance companies, investment funds and co-operatives, sole proprietors, legal entities governed by public law, non-profit organisations, and associations have to present their annual reports to AJPES for the purpose of presenting them for tax and statistical purposes.
We can provide the latest Director’s Report & Accounts for Slovenian Registered Companies, the accounts are usually only filed in Slovenian.
Slovenia Certificate of Incorporation
The Slovenia Certificate of Incorporation is issued by the Slovenia companies registry when a Slovenia company is incorporated, We can provide a registry copy of a Slovenia company incorporation certificate which includes the company name, company number and the date of incorporation.
Memorandum of Association
We can provide copies of Slovenia companies Memorandum of Association which includes.
- A list of the names and addresses of all shareholders
- The name, address and activities of the company
- The amount of founding capital and a list of individual shareholders’ contributions
- Duration
- Liabilities of shareholders to the company other than payments of the company’s contributions and liabilities to the shareholders
- Company type
- Registration at court
- Compulsory settlement, bankruptcy and liquidation
Articles of Association
Company Articles of Association are a statutory company document which form the company’s constitution and internal rules under which the Slovenian company will be run.
Shareholder List
In Slovenia Shareholders’ data is kept on a different register at the central securities registry at the Central Securities Clearing Corporation. The shareholders’ register contains a list of the shareholders, the amount of shares they hold and the amount paid-up on each share.
Company Directors
Companies have a legal obligation to maintain certain company registers, we can provide details of the registered company directors for Slovenia companies.
Slovenia Company Documents
Please complete our enquiry form, so we can assist with your company documents requirements.
Only one director is required for your d.o.o. with no restriction placed upon nationality or residency.
Only one shareholder is Authorware no restriction placed upon nationality or residency. If a limited liability company has more than 50 shareholders, approval by the minister responsible for economic affairs must be obtained.
Share Capital
The minimum issued share capital is €7,500
d.o.o. Registration Requirements
Applications for the court registration of companies must be filed within 15 days of the adoption of the act of establishment. With entry in the court register, the new enterprise becomes a legal entity and acquires the capacity to do business.
The registration procedure is initiated by the filing of an application on the prescribed form with the competent court in the town in which the entity subject to registration is based.
The court register is public; anyone may request certified copies of registration and other documents.
Companies established with foreign capital (joint ventures and wholly foreign-owned companies) or share acquisitions in existing companies acquire legal status upon registration with the local court.
Information to be entered in the court register:
- Uniform identification number
- Name of firm
- Address (street, number, town, postcode)
- Legal status
- Activities, with corresponding national classification code
- Date of the act of establishment (contract, act of incorporation or other act)
- Founders/ shareholders (identification number, name of firm, home address, country, type and extent of liabilities, date of admission, date of withdrawal)
- Authorised representatives (identification number, name, address, type of representation, e.g. proxy, management board member, liquidator, etc., extent of representation, date of granting of authorisation, date of expiry of authorisation)
- Period of registration (if the entity subject to registration is established for a fixed period of time)