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South Africa Company Documents

South Africa Company Documents

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South Africa Company Document examples

As company incorporation agents our experience and relationship with the South Africa Registrar of Companies means we can obtain registry copies of company documents and conduct comprehensive South Africa company searches.

South Africa Company Document fees

South Africa Company Documents
Company Search Report£1886-10 days
Memorandum of Incorporation£22010-14 days
Expedite fee£75

South Africa Company Search Report

We can provide a Company Search, with the latest filed company information from the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission, they records all companies that are registered in South Africa.

The contents of a South African company search report includes:

  • Company/ Enterprise Legal Name
  • Enterprise Number/ Company Registration Number – from 2000 issue numbers to all newly incorporated companies and close corporations are using a new numbering system that complies with specific criteria. The registration numbers of older existing enterprises were also changed at this time to meet these requirement. The use of the newly allocated registration numbers is compulsory
  • Registered Company Address – postal and office address – where available
  • Postal Address of the Company/ Enterprise
  • Company contact details – where available
  • Company Type/ Enterprise Type – Pty (Ltd), Proprietary Limited, Personal Liability Company, Inc, Limited Liability Company/ Limited by Shares
  • Registration Date
  • Status of the Company/ Enterprise – Active/ In business
  • Company Activity
  • Financial year end – where available
  • Vat/ Tax Number – where available
  • National ID number – where available
  • Affiliated companies – where available
  • Confirmation if listed on stock exchange

Where available:

Company Directors details including:

  • Full name
  • ID number/ Date of Birth
  • Appointment date
  • Address – residential and postal – where available

Company Shareholders where available, details including:

  • Full name
  • Position held

Share Capital including:

  • Nominal Share Capital
  • Subscribed Capital

Company Accounts where available including balance sheet

Additional details including:

  • Summary of changes filed at the Registry – in a list
  • Current Auditor details including name, appointment date, contact details
  • Additional information – where available

Companies and Intellectual Property Commission

South Africa Company Registry
South Africa Companies Registry – Companies and Intellectual Property Commission
77 Meintjies Street
P O Box 429

CIPC is responsible for the registration of all companies formed in South Africa and administers the South Africa Companies Act and is responsible for ensuring that companies doing business in the South Africa are registered and that the Register of Companies is properly maintained.

South Africa Certificate of Incorporation

The South Africa Certificate of Incorporation is issued by the South Africa companies registry when a South Africa company is incorporated. We can provide a registry copy of a South Africa company incorporation certificate which includes the company name, company number, date of incorporation and states that a company was registered.

The Registrar can issue a copy Certificate of Incorporation certifying that a company is incorporated under the South Africa Companies Act and it includes the following details:

  • Company Name
  • Date of Incorporation
  • Company Number
  • Companies Act

Memorandum of Incorporation

All South African companies are required to have a Memorandum of Incorporation when registering under the Companies Act. In most situations, companies will when registered make use of the Standard Memorandum of Incorporation given by the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission.

The respective roles and rights of shareholders and directors, company’s authority levels and rules and requirements are filed at the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission within the Memorandum of Incorporation. We can provide upon request copies of a the Memorandum of Incorporation for a registered company.

South Africa Certificate of Good Standing

The Companies and Intellectual Property Commission do not issue Certificates of Good Standing for companies registered in South Africa. A Certificate of Confirmation can be provided from the Registry which confirms the current company details on the company filed at the registry.

Annual Return

All companies must submit annual returns to the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission to avoid penalties charged and the possibility of being de-registered and closed. When registered companies file this in South Africa they must pay an Annual Return administration fee.

Company Directors and Shareholders

  • Directors and Shareholders may be of any nationality
  • The names of directors and shareholders are filed at the companies registry
  • There is no requirement to appoint a South Africa resident director

Order South Africa Company Documents

The South Africa company search report will be ordered from the South Africa Registrar of Companies and is delivered by email. South Africa Company documents are ordered from the Registrar of Companies, with scanned copies emailed through and where required the original delivered by courier.