Customer Service

Switzerland Company Search

Switzerland Company Search Report

Document Order

We are able to conduct a search on any company registered in Switzerland. We contact the Federal Commercial Registry y and obtain the latest information on the target company.

Switzerland Companies Registry

We can provide a search report from the Federal Commercial Registry with the latest information about the target company. Company Search reports from the registry of commerce are provided from the cantonal registry of commerce where the company holds its seat.

Switzerland Company Search Report
Company Search Report£1883-4 days
Expedite fee£751-2 days

Contents of a Swiss Company Search Report

  • Full company name – Raison Sociale
  • Registered Company Number – Fed. Nr
  • Head Office – Siège
  • Registered Office address – Adresse
  • Legal Entity
  • Activity & Observations
  • Date of Incorporation – Dates des Statuts
  • Administration, review board and people having signing capability – Administration, organe de révision et personnes ayant qualité pour signer
  • Share Capital – nominal, released and shares – Capital actions – nominal, libéré, actions
  • Company Statutes – if available
  • Statute updates – if available
  • If the company is dissolved

The original shareholders of the company are included in the constitution of the company, the company does not need to register any change to shareholders at the Registry.

Switzerland Company Search example

Order a Switzerland Company Search Report

We can supply Company Search Reports on company’s registered in Switzerland. Please complete our enquiry form so we can assist with your Switzerland company search requirements. The Switzerland search report is delivered to you via email as a PDF.