USA Company Formations
An LLC is a Limited Liability Company.
If you are looking for an S Corporation, you can incorporate an LLC and elect to be taxed as an S Corporation. Forming an LLC is simpler than a corporation, and most small businesses are set up as an LLC and a tax status of an S Corporation.
If you are looking for a C Corporation, you can form an LLC and elect to have the LLC be taxed as a C Corporation.
A Corporation has shareholders, a board of directions, and officers. All of which can be one person. If you are looking for an S Corporation, you do not need to technically form a corporation. You can form an LLC and elect to have the LLC taxed as an S Corporation.
Corporations are more popular for foreigners who do not reside in America. A Corporation is more recognized for foreigners when they need to do something back home.
There are 3 major states where most non-U.S. residents incorporate a business or form an LLC: Delaware, Florida and Nevada.
Delaware: Delaware is just the most prestigious state in America to form a company in.
Florida: Many foreigners vacation in Florida, making it convenient to come to America to get a bank account or have any company meetings you need to make. Many clients would love to come meet you in Florida because it’s warm and has ocean beaches.
Nevada: Nevada is well known, but not as well-known as Delaware. Nevada is expensive and actively creating more and more rules to squeeze its businesses for more fees and taxes. Why incorporate in Nevada? You want to fly into Las Vegas to transact business in the U.S.
US – Delaware
US – Florida
US – Nevada
Delaware Company Formations
Many US non-residents are incorporating in Delaware as there are no citizenship or residency requirements. Delaware LLC’s with non-resident shareholders, which conduct no business in the US and have no US source income are not subject to US federal income tax and are not required to file a US income tax return.
We specialise in incorporating Companies in Delaware and are very familiar with the document available from the State of Delaware Division of Corporations.
Florida Company Formations
We can incorporate you a Limited Liability Company in the State of Florida in only 3 days.
We specialise in incorporating companies in Florida and are very familiar with the documents available from the State of Florida Division of Corporations.
Nevada Company Formations
Many US non-residents choose to incorporate companies in Nevada, some operate within America, others of which are operating entirely outside the US and have no connection with the US other than the registration of their company.
We specialise in incorporating Companies in Nevada and are very familiar with the documents available from the State of Nevada Division of Corporations.