Customer Service

Vanuatu Company search

Vanuatu Company Search

Document Order

We are able to conduct a search on any company registered with the Vanuatu Financial Services Commission – Register of Companies

Vanuatu Company Search
Company Search Report£1885-9 days
Certificate of Incorporation£1805-9 days
Expedite fee£753-4 days

Contents of a Vanuatu Company Search Report

  • Company Name
  • Company Registration Number
  • Company Registration Date
  • Company Type/ Entity Type – local, overseas
  • Company Status – registered, dissolved, removed, amalgamated, dissolved, removed or in receivership/liquidation

A company search of a local Vanuatu company includes the following additional information:

  • Annual Return Filing date
  • Registered Office address and Effective Date
  • Postal address and Effective Date
  • Business activity

Directors’ details – including where available:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Date of appointment

Shareholders details – including where available:

  • Shareholder name
  • Address
  • Appointment date
  • Share allocation details

Additional information including:

  • Confirmation if Model Articles filed or adopted own articles
  • List of documents filed – summary where available

The search report is provided from the Financial Services Commission and delivered by email.

Vanuatu Company Search example

Order a Vanuatu Company Search Report

We can supply Company Search Reports on company’s registered in Vanuatu. Please complete our order form so we can assist with your Vanuatu company search and company document requirements. The Vanuatu company search report is delivered to you via email as a PDF.